Us Legends fans sure do love our fan art! Below are some particularly interesting and beautiful examples of creations by the Legends of Tomorrow fan community!
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RotemChan's Merch Store on RedBubble
StarlingSylver's Merch Store on RedBubble
Enjoy this absolutely beautiful drawing of fan favorite couple: Ava and Sara (Avalance). Art by 'devastated!Dan' (@DirectorSharpes) on Twitter.

"Legends of Tomorrow Teddy Bears"
This fandom sure does love its cuteness! Enjoy these adorable Legends of Tomorrow-themed teddy bears by 'Grace Seabrook' (graceybrook) on Instagram!

"Crochet Baby Avalance with Beebo"
What's this?! Another beautiful crochet doll?! This doll is brough to you by the oh-so-talented 'Katy Alexandra' (@Alex_dragongirl) on Twitter!
"Crochet Greenship"
There are few things in this world more adorable than the crochet dolls of 'geekyramblings: Crochet Bard' (@geeky_ramblings) on Twitter. These particular dolls are Gary and Gideon!

"Legends of Tomorrow Funko Pops"
Am I seeing double?! Tragically, the only Funko Pops fans of Legends officially got were from season 1, but that didn't discourage 'vee finally met olivia! (mat whomst?)' (@dametokillfor) on Twitter from making her own!

"First Date"
'Rotem Shaked' (@RotemChan) on Twitter has made so many adorable Tinies comics, it was so hard to pick one to feature! Ultimately I had to choose this one, though, because of the look in Astra's eyes.

"Ace Spooner: Save Legends of Tomorrow"
'Note' (@nooooo_te) on Twitter has made so many adorable Avalance edits, my first thought was to feature one of those. But this picture of Spooner embodying ace pride moved so many people on Twitter than I couldn't help but feature it instead!

"The Kiss"
I absolutely adore this drawing of an iconic Avalance moment by 'Julia Claire' (@JuliaClaire26) on Twitter.

"Pinkie Swear"
Kirstyn Miller (@KirstynAMiller) on Twitter, this is just so sweet I can't even stand it! Beautiful fan art!

"Too Legit To Quit"
How could I ignore this beautiful drawing of Team Legends by 'Your friendly neighborhood GIF whore' (@slay_wright) on Twitter! This scene in the show brought me to tears!

"Walt Disney Pictures Presents: Legends of Tomorrow"
How could I ignore this absolutely beautiful piece of fan art by 'superhero_draw' (superhero_draw) on Instagram?! I'll never forget when Astra turned into a princess!

"Love: for Couples AND Friends"
I had to include this collage that LegendsArtAlie (@LegendsArtAlie) on Twitter put together, because it includes drawings of the moment when Gwyn accepted himself for who he is and when Spooner came out to Zari. So incredible!

"Caity Lotz"
IloveAvalance (@IloveAvalance_) on Twitter sketched this absolutely beautiful drawing of our incredible captain, Caity Lotz.